Coeus, God of the Diviners and Father of the Prophets

Coeus, God of the Diviners and Father of the Prophets
Usually in divination, we work with the collaboration of spirits and entities that contact us from different levels to manifest in us their knowledge of the future. Whether they are Deities, spirits, deceased, ancestral forces or others, all of them give us their wisdom, even though it is unfortunate that most have a total ignorance of the forces with which they work. This is due in large part to the lack of seriousness and mysticism that divination suffers today, from what we can blame these “wise teachers” and their rapid learning courses where they promise to completely dominate the art of divination in only 2 or 3 months, and where they focus only on repeating textually the procedures and theoretical symbolism of a book with zero emphasis on what is really important, such as concentration, the development of clairvoyance and contact with the afterlife.
Trying to predict the future and good fortune, without the help of entities more experienced than us, because «we work with our own energy» is just as interesting as self-medicate and not go to the doctor, because you read a medical manual some time ago and you think that this qualifies you to be a doctor.
The human being is born being a seer by nature, a capacity that is lost as we mature and develop other qualities, few and perhaps very few families who do today the possible (according to the folklore that governs them) to keep these qualities active in the younger household.
The great oracles of antiquity knew this truth and were trained from very young to keep alive the flame of cognitive wisdom in them and thus be able to communicate with the higher deities and spirits, such as the Oracles of Delphi, Dodona or the Chaldean Oracle of Mesopotamia.
In these cases, one worked directly in the communication with the deity of the sanctuary, who through constant contact with the «messenger» well-named Pythoness, priestess or diviner, according to the case, strengthened their clairvoyance and showed them a clear field of play that completely evades the personal preferences and arrogant attitudes of current fortune tellers.
One of these entities nowadays is only kept in some textbooks and his adoration has been limited to certain traditional homes where he is still invoked to obtain its divine blessing and its clairvoyance.
This is the case of Coeus, the God of the soothsayers and one of the earliest recorded prophets, a Titan of ancient Greece (Primal Deities before the Olympic Gods). Coeus, is the Titan of Intelligence and Complex Wisdom, son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea or Gaia (Earth), Coeus is the Father of Leto and Asteria, this makes him the grandfather of Apollo, Artemis and Hecate.
Coeus represented for Greek culture divination through the stars, a form of divination prior to the development of modern astrology, and became recorded centuries later as the first prophetic God, and according to European folklore, the father of the Prophets.
Coeus, as titan of wisdom and intelligence, was the spokesman of his Father Uranus before humanity and the youngest Gods. Being Uranus (also) a great prophet, in predicting to his son Cronus that this would be betrayed and defeated by his own son (Zeus) just as Cronus did with him.
The above account shows Coeus, an authoritarian and ancient deity, as a spokesman for fate, being him who speaks in the name of his father, becomes the most similar to a diviner who speaks in the name of the spirits.
Coeus had two daughters, who together with their own children represent the two oldest branches of clairvoyance, the same ones that in some way govern different aspects of the clairvoyance or modern prophecy. His daughter Leto, Goddess of the day and light, and her son, Apollo, God of prophecies and oracles, represent the prophetic power of light, heaven and stars, it is they who rule over the prophets who foretell the future and the fortune in solar hours.
His second daughter, Asteria, the goddess of night oracles and stars, and her Hecate, goddess of witchcraft and queen of ghosts, represent the prophetic power of night, darkness, spirits that speak from beyond, and the oldest forms of necromancy, it is they who govern and bless those oracles, diviners, and prophets who predict the future and fortune at night.
Leto and Asteria, are daughters of the Titan Coeus, God of wisdom, and the titan Phoebe, goddess of intellect and mental agility. This makes Coeus, Asteria, Leto, Apollo and Hecate into the first family of Prophet Gods of any Mythology.
In addition to them, we can not forget Artemis (the Moon), who is the twin sister of Apollo and in turn the female part of him, who takes the attributes granted by his father Zeus as Goddess of the hunt and queen of the wood. Although she is not a prophetic deity, it is told in the legends related to the Oracle of Delphi, that for those who came to the temple pythoness seeking answers in the evening hours, it was Artemis who was present giving her wisdom to the Oracle, while her brother Apollo, The regent God of the Sun and the Light of the day rested on Olympus.
If you wish, take these names into account as part of your personal prayers and use them to bless your personal oracle.
Direct family of Coeus:
Coeus (Titan): God of Intelligence and Wisdom, the first soothsayer, spokesman of the sky and oracle of the stars. Father of Leto & Asteria.
Phoebe (Titanid): Goddess of Intellect and mental agility. Mother of Leto & Asteria.
Leto (Titanid): Goddess of the night and the light of day. Mother of Apollo & Artemis.
Asteria (Titanid): Goddess of night oracles and fallen stars. Mother of Hecate.
Apollo (Olympic God): God of the Sun and the light of the day, god of the arts, music and poetry, d of the prophets, regent of the Oratory of Delphi. Son of Leto & Zeus.
Artemis (Olympic Goddess): Goddess of the hunting and the wild animals, queen of the forests and the virgin lands, protector of the pure maidens. Daughter of Leto & Zeus.
Hecate (Goddess): Goddess of witchcraft and ghosts, mother and queen of all witches. Daughter of Asteria.
Indirect family of Coeus:
Perses (Titan): God of destruction. Father of Hecate with Asteria.
Note: Artemis as Greek Goddess, is part of the Pantheon of the Twelve Olympic Gods, is the Goddess of hunters, forests and wild animals, her later cult as Moon Goddess was given for various historical reasons:
Her image was found in various temples of Selene, a titanid and goddess of the moon, where Artemis and Hecate were venerated as «other lunar deities.»
Her most recognized images in the art, represented with a Moon on the head that represents a crown and in certain paintings, is mistakenly identified as Artemis, Goddess of the moon and the night.
By direct association with her brother, being Apollo the God of the Sun and the day, the complementary connotations in scriptures after the decay of Greece were attributed to Artemis.
Like her association with Selene the lunar Goddess, also there were engravings of Artemis in the temples of Eileithyia, the goddess of the Parthians who was also venerated like a lunar deity.

First full moon of 2017 #CancerfullMoon

Little by little it’s getting closer, day after day it’s coming, every night it’s shining, full moon 🌚 comes singing.

This Thursday, January 12, we received in our heaven the first full Moon of 2017 a magic moon in Cancer ♋ that comes loaded with good vibes and lots of energy. The full moon is that magical moment of glory, fullness and spiritual extension that leads us to mature, advance and culminate our projects.

This is the first full moon of the year, symbolizes a new stage. January takes its original English name from Janus, the God of the two faces guardian of roads and trails, lord of doors, beginnings and endings, a face looking toward the past and one towards the future, which is why this moon indicates a clear turning point in our lives, announces a new cycle of twelve months to learn and apply learning in previous years, Janus was, along with Mercury, God the protector of travelers and with Apollo, God protector of the oracles. During this month the Sun God is aligned with the sign of Capricorn and the Moon Goddess is aligned with the sign of Cancer.

The Moon’s gem of January is traditionally the Garnet and its flower is the Carnation, the recommended colors this month are usually white, black, coffee, blue and silver, the animal totem protecting us this month is the wolf and goat totem. The stones we can bless this month are translucent quartz, jasper, amber and onyx, the plants becoming more powerful these dates are calendula, geranium, chamomile, elder, saffron and marjoram.

January’s full moon is right for magic linked to meditation , the development of the senses, energy recharge and emotional motivation, performing rituals to celebrate new beginnings or to set major goals and use magic to get to aid fulfilling them. January full moon it is also known as the cold moon, old moon and the moon after Yule (Christmas).

When the moon is in the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) we can invoke sirens and ondines, water nymphs and habitants of the deep sea. blue in all shades and water green are color of the candles that we use in the ritual space during this moon is and is preferably that have ritual altars for this magic facing west if is possible.

Moon in Cancer is favorable for strengthening the qualities of expression on an artistic level and psychic level. She is a Moon of remarkable healing power, the full Moon in the sign of Cancer is the most suitable to perform magic that strengthens bones and the immune system, the magic to overcome obstacles and prevent threats has great power in this lunation.

During this Moon the imagination and the desire to carry out a project strengthen, let’s seize these spirits for spells to help us carry out our dreams and goals, this is also the Moon we pray to for the fruitfulness of a couple, caring relationship from a third party’s envy or attend gardens where we grow plants for magical or medical use. This Moon gives special powers to people with scars from birth and those who practice Wiccan faith freely.

The Cancer moon favors fecundity and motherhood, clairvoyance and empathy, love for the occult and fascination for the spiritual. It also makes us susceptible to sudden mood swings and depression.

Wolf Moon Spell

During the first full-moon night of the year you will burn in your Altar an incense stick of pineapple or mimosa, a black candle (to override the negativity you dragged from the previous year), a blue candle (so your new thoughts this year are positive) and a silver candle. (so the Mother Goddess always hears your desires.) You will bless your Altar with a piece of onyx or garnet with the next spell and dedicate ten minutes to meditate on the proposed projects for the new year.

Take the onyx or garnet crystal with both hands to the chest and say the following incantation:

“Oh, gods and spirits that guard this moon, bless this gem as a reflection of power, cleanse my soul, body and mind through it, bless my steps now and forever.”

The more round the moon becomes… The stronger our Health becomes.

You can found Spells & Rituals for this and other Moon phases in my books «Wicca! Love & Soul«
and «Rites Of Happiness«

P.D: Attention to my social networks, in the next hours I will be revealing first hand information about my next book, which you can buy at your favorite magical / esoteric store. So do not forget to look for me and follow me on your favorite social network and share this Post.

Blessings & Happy Good Moon Elhoim

November, Full Moon in Taurus 🌕 ♉️


Mourning Moon & Beaver Moon

The full moon of November is the penultimate moon of the year, the months of greater magical power have passed by and now we prepare to face the coldest months of the year. November is named from the Latin word «novem» which means nine because before the Gregorian calendar this was the ninth month of the year. It is the month in which little goats were sacrificed in the name of the Goddess Isis to insure crops and good fortune in the coming days. 

Traditionally the yellow topaz and citrine are considered as November gems, the flower of this month is the chrysanthemum, the colors associated with this month are pink, gray and teal. The animal totem guardian of this month it is the beaver, the scorpion, the hare and the antelope. The gems that you can bless this month are jade, coral, topaz, citrine and pink quartz The flowers and herbs with the most magical power this month are usually roses, peppermint, jasmine, carnations and lilies.

November full moon has powers to prevent evil and diseases, magic related to hunting animals and and magic to protect forests. This is also the month for invocations and deals with all kinds of spirits that remain grounded since Halloween, it is the month during which shamans and spiritism become more powerful than witches.

November full moon is called in different countries and cultures as the mourning moon, beaver moon, dark moon, the icy moon, the frost moon and the snow moon.

Full Moon in Taurus ♉️

Magic during Full Moon. That Lunar phase of great power, when the Moon is facing the Earth completely showing her lit face and illuminates the trails and fields with her divine blessing, is the time to perform physical, mental or spiritual maturity related rituals. This phase corresponds to the Mother Goddess, she blesses us with her power and promises of a new life, we perform all kinds of rituals in our group to strengthen our own magic or mental capacities.
That night we can perform invocation rites with an eye to summon Gods and Spirits, invoke the Moon Goddess and perform spells and manufacture talismans of great power, open portals to other worlds and produce all kinds of transformations in our life.
This Moon symbolizes the power at its peak, maturity and knowledge. It is the time to bless magic items and prepare concoctions that strengthen our powers, potions, love potions and visualizations. We must also take this Omens filled moon to perform divination rituals and study the stars.
The moon is so powerful that she has the power of transmutation, can transform a creature into another and change the shape of a witch in any animal, she can transmigrate the human soul to another state and even strengthen the oldest spells.
When the Moon is in earth signs like Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn, it is the ideal moment for magic that involves the element Earth, nature and plants,  the earth signs give us the power to cast spells that promote will and sympathy.
On the Moon of Earth we conjure gnomes and elves, those tiny but wise spirits of the forest and gardens. Coffee or green are the colors for candles that we use in the ritual space during this day, and it is preferable that this magic altars face North if possible.
Moon in Taurus, is best suited to perform magic that is related to self-control and will, spells that involve making decisions, changes, competitive spirit and those rituals to balance the personality,  free time, healings and physical and mental cures are issues to be addressed during the Moon in Taurus and also the development of ideas and projects.
During this Moon can perform trade-related magic, selling real estate, home protection, love and beauty, self-acceptance and prudence, we also perform in this Moon the proper rituals to combat materialistic greed, possessiveness, obstinacy and stubbornness, manufacture talismans channeling the power of the Earth and renewing energy.

Beaver Moon Healing Spell

At night of November full moon we will perform this simple healing ritual with powers of Mother Earth to heal our body’s aches and pains. We will anoint a dark glass bottle (with lid) with natural oils of cinnamon, fill it with soil from seven different sites, a handful of peppermint, five small quartz crystals and a few drops of essential oil of myrrh or myrrh perfume, seal it tight and tie around a red string where we will tie seven knots, light a red candle with our name on it and pour candle wax on the bottle cap to completely seal it. Whenever you perceive any discomfort or pain light a red or green candle next to bottle to reactivate its healing qualities and keep it in a cool, safe place.

November little rite for Health & Love

It is time to renew the energies that we have exhausted during the year as well as health and feelings, for this ritual draw the corresponding magic circle, this time you can circle with a mixture of sea salt and rosemary. Burn a stick of lavender incense and an orange or dark green candle.

Place in a small cauldron or bowl a mixture with dried roots of Florence, lily, verbena and ginger, a few drops of essential oil of peppermint or lavender and, while reciting, proceed to light seven (7) white candles to symbolize the seven points energy connecting the astral body and the physical one. After reciting the incantation, burn the herb mixture like  incense.

“Out of my life and my surroundings everything that wounds me and hurts me, welcome be to my life everything that renews and strengthens me before all chaos.”

Material from the books:
«Wicca! Love & Soul» and «Rites of Happiness»
Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright
Available in:

October, Full Moon in Aries 🌕 ♈️

October Full Moon

Hunter Moon or Blood Moon

October full moon is the tenth lunar month of the year, the month of October takes its name from a Latin word which literally means «eight months» because in the Roman calendar it was the eighth month of the year. Switching to the Gregorian calendar this became the tenth month but kept the name.

During this month the moon takes a slight reddish therefore became known as the red moon or blood moon, not to be confused with the lunar eclipse. (Blood Moon.). This month the Sun God is aligned with the zodiac sign of Libra while the Goddess Lunar aligns with the sign of Aries.

The Traditional gem related to the lunar month of October is Opal and Tourmaline, and its flower is the marigold. The animal totem that protects this month is the totem of the hunter, the pig and the dog. The colors usually associated with this month are purple, indigo, dark green and black. The gems we can bless during this month are opals, diamonds, tourmaline, obsidian and turquoise. The flowers and herbs with greater magical power this month correspond to wonder flower the hyacinth, calendula, catnip, ginger, patchouli and star anise.

The October full moon has special powers over all forms of Witchcraft and Wizardry, increasing magical powers, is the moon that has the power to bring the dead back from beyond, summon familiar spirits and void the magical powers of witches and evil necromancers. It is the moon that guards Halloween, All Saints Eve and all Souls Eve, so the October moon is closely related to the powers of the underworld, hidden paths between life and death as well as the doors to other worlds.

October’s full moon is also known in other cultures as The Travel Moon and the Moon of dying grass.

The Moon in Aries

When the Moon is in the fire signs like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, it is the ideal moment for Magic that involves Fire element, Sun and Light. The fire signs give us power through the Moon and we can use it for spells that will feed the Passion and Greatness.

On the Moon of Fire we conjure salamanders, ancient spirits that inhabit the fire. Red is the color for the candles that we use in the ritual space during this day. It is preferable that the Altars for this Magic face South if possible.

The Moon in Aries, it’s time for magic protection spells involving wisdom, intuition development, increase our own energy and self-confidence, healing rituals and talismans that feed with the power to fight fury and injustice.

During this Moon we can perform rituals to combat apathy, laziness and appease the reckless character of someone close, it’s also correct to perform magic to help us to take urgent decisions, spells related to value, freedom and excitement.

Here Special ritual for the October moon
Here Elemental fire rite

Here The moon & your work projects
Here Moon Magic
Here Magic Mirror Spell to Protect Our Home
Here About My First Book – Wicca! Love & Soul!
Material from the books:

«Wicca! Love & Soul» and «Rites of Happiness»

Author: Elhoim Leafar © Copyright

Available in: CreateSpace   Amazon Kindle   Barnes&Noble

About My First Book – Wicca! Love & Soul! for #PoweredByIndie

My First Book – Wicca! Love & Soul

Years Writing, Years Dreaming, Years Thinking and so many years doubting, I finally decided to risk it, I decided to challenge myself, and stop asking me Why do it? And start asking Why not? Each day we get up in the morning is one more risk in our lives. Since we get outside to work we face bravely each day the news, the delinquency, the diseases and several crisis, but if we can fight against it every day, why not take a risk and go beyond?.

Why not dream and give the best of ourselves? Not for others to see us, on the contrary, we don’t have to prove to anyone what we can do, the only one you have to prove it to is yourself, so I took a decision, gather the most convincing of my material and finish it, and now here it is in your hands. I proved to myself that I can reach my goals, I can self motivate each day, carry out my projects and share them with people who will bring out the best of it.

There I was 7 years ago when I decided to start this project, correcting books by other authors, inquiring into formulas and implementing hundreds of advices; some of them very good, others just filling ink in a book devoid of any meaning; and telling myself “if I had written it, I would have made many corrections before publishing” without realizing that those old notebooks and personal agendas in a drawer filled with pages marked in full color with recipes, formulas, incantations, spells and astrological studies could become someday my cover letter, dozens of notes and pages written by someone with too much time and desire to devote himself to such a friendly project.

I’ve had what I myself consider to be positive career in astrology. When I started in my early studies of Tarot, with teachers and classmates insisting weekly in personal consultations, favors for favors, I used to share formulas and secrets with a certain Ms. that sold amulets half a block from school, whom I met to share notes, books and stories full of folklore. She was a wise woman, just like my mother from whom I learned much of what was my foundation to develop my own formula and so many teachers in various groups and covens where I belonged in the city.

I also learned from those classmates whom I shared with in the school breaks, exchanging (with them also) notes and calendars with astrological dates marked. Between these notes and the books that I used to borrow from my mother’s small but very complete library, I built for myself step by step a fascinating idea of what’s really hidden right in front of our nose, and like that I learned to seeing it and living it, turning my faith into a lifestyle.

There were always those who mocked or complained. Some classmates branded me as arrogant, strange or just blatant, as I was out there sharing formulas behind each school notebook, and meeting with study groups of astrology and Wiccan white magic on weekends. Other treated me simply as «weird», that has never kept me awake. The “alien feel” should not alter us while we are doing what we love. The critics don’t kill, and everything that doesn’t kill you only strengthens you.

After three years of learning, I got transferred to another school, and this gave me the opportunity to learn new people and sneak between teachers.

I studied all the books of metaphysics and Feng Shui that came into my hands, I learned to believe and visualize my own Inner Light. These books taught me to protect me from the miseries that others may wish upon me. These new teachers showed me the books on psychology, studies of Freud and that jumble of modern ideas we call «Sociolinguistics programming» that can also be really important to know oneself. One can not achieve Enlightenment without knowing the Darkness withing e and the origin of it.

And thus the year went by, studying, knowing, practicing, learning and, most importantly, making mistakes repeatedly, for we learn more from mistakes than from advice. I have taken notes on everything. I’ve written any thought to cross my mind and, after much work and practice, here I give the results, as clear as polished glass and realizing that this is only a first step, as I have much more to learn in this elaborate and complex facts collected daily we call life.

☆ Wicca! Love & Soul ☆

☆Teachings and Experiences About Love, Life and White Magic☆

Wicca! Love & Soul is a complete and simple training guide that walks through the rituals of white magic and witchcraft as well as traditional spirituality. With this book you will learn the techniques to make the magic in your personal ally.

With full confidence I am providing you this book which summarizes more than fifteen years of study and practice, personal thoughts and over 200 spells, incantations, charms and simple formulas to achieve all your goals positively. I invite you to explore my tracks, my master techniques and implement appropriate rituals to attain love, happiness and tranquility.

This work includes the basic principles of traditional white magic as well as practical concepts of Shamanism and spirituality, crafting diverse amulets, easy spells, a portion of the author’s personal grimoire (Book of Spells) and individual advices that will guide you along the way of Love, white magic, happiness and enlightenment.

Help me discover your inner power, and develop the confidence to change your world together for good and that of your loved ones.


Read more: 

HERE The Five Principles of the Practitioner
HERE Mother Goddess and Antlered God
HERE The Mother Goddess/ The Moon Goddess
HERE The Sun God

My book is available in the next Links:

September Full Moon in Pisces ♓

September Full Moon in Pisces

The Harvest Moon or The Wine Moon

September full moon corresponds to the ninth lunar month of the year. It is the month that is held together with the month of October to celebrate the autumnal equinox, which happens two out of three years in September and then in October.

This month gets its name from the Latin root of the seventh because it was the seventh month of the Roman calendar, it is a month full of great pagan festivals as well as terrible misfortunes.

The unforgettable and tragic 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers occurred during this month, also the World War II started and ended in the month of September. (1939-1945.) During this month the Sun God is aligned with the zodiac sign of Virgo, while Lunar Goddess is aligned with the sign of Pisces.

The Harvest Moon or The Wine Moon

The September full moon has dual power, because it binds with certain magical annual celebrations for many groups practicing Wicca, Neo-Paganism, Druidism and many other forms of white magic is considered that the September full moon is  most powerful moon of the year and one of the most powerful nights of the year, together with Samhain (Halloween) and Yule (Christmas).

It is the moon of a thousand blessings, moon for especially blessing  all kinds of amulets and items to craft magic, has power to deliver us from all that we do not want in our lives and for karma and aura cleanings.

The September full moon is also known as the singer moon, the moon of the deer, the moon or the storm and the fruits moon.

The Moon in the Water Signs

When the Moon is in the Water Signs like Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces it is right time for Magic involving the Water element, Intuition and changes. Water Signs provide us the ability to produce all kinds of transmutations and physical healing, develop clairvoyance and strengthen the psyche.

On the Water Moon we invoke sirens and ondines, water nymphs and inhabitants of the deep sea. blue in all shades and water green are color of the candles that we use in the ritual space during this moon is and is preferably that have Altars for this magic facing West if possible.

Moon in Pisces  ♓

Wiccans favorite Moon to practice Feng Shui, the moon of absolute transmutation, to make all kinds of changes in our life, whether they are physical, material, changes of residence or place of work and even to positively alter our personality, this is the moon is constant balance, that which allows us to regain, with her powers, control of our lives despite the situations that arise.

This is also a powerful moon for magic related to outer beauty and poetry. During the Moon in Pisces we can perform magic transmutation, astral projection and magic to see what is hidden to the naked eye. This moon has the power to transmute the positive energy on negative and constantly alter changes in mood. It is also the right time to cast spells against fear, indecision and lack of perseverance, also spells and potions to take care of home are subject to the Moon in Pisces.

Read more:

  • Here The Moon & Your Work Projects.
  • Here Moon phases for Magic
  • Here Mother Goddess and Antlered God

Extract from: Wicca! Love & Soul by Elhoim Leafar
Available HERE

The Sorcerer's Bottle

The Sorcerer’s Bottle

The sorcerer’s bottle or spell jar is an occidental form of magic that has kept relevant for more than 500 years. Today there are many versions of this formula that consists in reproducing a spell inside of a jar an bury it to avoid it to be destroyed or weakened. It is Regrettable, but this form of magic and sorcery is often used in black magic to cause harm and illness, but if you know how to use it, it can be pretty helpful.
Witches who are dedicated to spreading the evil tend to fill liquor bottles with needles, pins, animal blood, hair the person they wish to bewitch, curse the spell and bury it in a soil that has not been consecrated as an offering to their demons and kill their enemies promoting illness and disease to cause death. On the other hand those who are dedicated to doing good have our own much improved version, combining the principles of traditional witchcraft with elements of modern white magic to achieve diverse results, either for our own welfare or that of others.
To make a bottle of spells to protect you from all evil and all sorts of curses, fill a bottle of preferably dark glass with two or three personal items. You can include in the mix some hair and nail clippings and the following herbs, dried root marjoram, fennel, honeysuckle, narcissus, rue and star anise. Finally, fill the bottle to the top with equal parts water and white wine.
Once the bottle has been filled close it properly and light a white candle. Anoint the bottle top to bottom with essential oil of marjoram or honeysuckle and completely seal the nozzle with hot wax of the same candle. To finish it, tie a cord or ribbon white around the neck of the bottle and bury it, preferably in a private garden or a nearby park.
We also have the spell bottle for love, following the above procedure but this time is mandatory to use a bottle of wine. Add your personal items as well as equal parts of vanilla, cinnamon, verbena, vetiver, orchid, jasmine and lavender. Light a strawberry or roses scented candle and use the wax of it to seal the bottle, tie a red ribbon or cord around and bury the spell with a pink quartz and a white rose.
There is a variation of the above formula, spell bottle for love done at the beginning of a month. A glass or crystal bottle filled with fresh flowers orange, apple seeds, redbud leaves, rose petals five tulip bulbs, a picture of you and the loved one another and both hair cuts. Fill the bottle to the top with oil olive or orange essential oil, cover completely the bottle with a red cloth and tie it with blue ribbon. Bury the bottle in a flower garden or deep into the shore of a river.
If you wish to perform a sorcerer’s which consecrates a site against all types of spells and curses, you must bury during a new moon night a bottle you have pre-filled with dry parts of birch, cedar, dill, verbena, bay and aconite. Seal the bottle with a cork that has drawn the mystical symbol of the pentagram and wax from a purple candle.
Another method is the spell bottle to attract good luck. In this case we use a green glass bottle filled with clover, nutmeg and dried shells orange. Light a yellow candle to bless and seal the bottle. Tie the bottle with ribbon of gold or green color. I suggest in this case make a braid with green ribbon, gold ribbon and white ribbon to give more power to the spell.
And finally, the bottle to override the power of a warlock or witch. Fill a bottle of the darkest color you can get with hair or nail clippings of the warlock, needles, pepper, rock salt, garlic, juniper, dill and parsley. Fill the bottle to the top with soil from a consecrated land and close it. Light a candle violet and a black one, symbolizing the transmutation and power to overturn all kinds of negative work.
Proceed to seal the bottle completely with wax of both candles and tie with a black ribbon. Bury the bottle the deepest possible and from the next full moon all spells and curses cast by the sorcerer lost power.
Today smaller versions of these sorcerer bottles are sold on the market, already prepared and ready for use. Particularly I don’t trust them, so I do not suggest buying them when it is not known if they were truly prepared by an expert or just a trader. Ideally make your won bottles or entrust them to a specialist in the subject matter well mastered.
Elhoim Leafar

July Full Moon

July Full Moon

The Deer Moon or the Hay Moon

The seventh lunar month of the year takes place in the month of July, the month named after Julius Caesar who was born on the 12th of this month which until then was known as Quintilis. 

This month indicates the new semester and the beginning of the second half of the year, is the month of school holidays in most of the world and therefore a month of rest and relaxation. During this stage the Sun God is aligned with the zodiac sign of Cancer.

The Moon’s gem or stone traditionally associated with this month is Ruby, as well as carnelian and moonstone. The flower of this month is the Jasmine and Honeysuckle. The animal totem that watches over us this month is the deer or stag. Yellow, gold, magenta and dark brown are the colors recommended this month. Rocks and gems to bless this month are ruby, citrine, cat’s eye and moonstone. Plants and flowers with greater magical powers this month are delfinea, honeysuckle, angelica, the St. John’s wort, fennel and orange.

The July Moon has the power to take us astrally anywhere we want to go. This is the month to develop our psychic and mental abilities, astral projection and strengthen the mind, it is also the month to conjure the ancient Gods and ask for favors and to honor the Sun God and the spirits of fire, it is the right season for spells and rituals involving physical rest and renewal.

July Moon is also usually known in other parts of the world as the blessed moon, Thunder Moon or Meadow Moon.

July Moon Spell

Magic Mirror Spell to Protect Our Home

Magic Mirror Spell to Protect Our Home

An old Egyptian magic ceremony is held when the magicians pay tribute to the spirit world through mirrors. Mirrors have the power to show other worlds and reflect the true identity of things, the magical power of the mirrors is only limited by the Light.

This spell simply requires a mirror and water blessed by a Witch or Wiccan Priest.

Once the water is blessed, mix d with crushed and dried sage root, use it to wash the mirror and light a stick of incense of your choice. Bless the mirror with the right incantation and sprinkle a good amount of blessed water  on it.

“Come to life,  
reflector of other worlds,
come to value, image of the true self, 
ward off the evil from this home, 
dispel the evils from this place.”

Keep the mirror clean and every full moon night, cleanse her reflection with a special infusion of sagebrush, do not let anyone touch the mirror and keep it near the front door.

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Spells to Protect Our Pets

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Spells to Protect Our Pets

Household animals are commonly volunteer  guardians of the home, the animals are more connected to their spiritual instinct and nature than we, therefore they always absorb evil of the home. Cats and dogs chase away evil spirits, birds keep the goblins away, turtles absorb bad energy and the fish are fed with the negative energies purifying them as plants do to oxygen, so it is most advisable to also give extra protection to our friends protectors.

An old Irish trick is to plant rosemary and sage around the garden, this will protect the home and all its inhabitants without distinction of species. In the Mediterranean, witches and fortune tellers usually rub rock salt on the back of a black cat every Friday at midnight to protect it from evil and ward off evil spirits.

A figure of God Hotei (“Fat Buddha”) brings good fortune and money to our home but also protects us from all spiritual ills. A particular spell to protect our animals is to wash with essences of rosemary and lavender around their resting place. It is also very effective to fill a small cloth bag with brown or purple verbena root, elderberry leaves and garlic and tie it around the neck of the animal. This will protect from all sorts of spirits and possessions.

More Spells and Tips for you HERE

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