The Penumbral lunar eclipse and Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Twilight Eclipse and Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 5)

The moon is slowly moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, we feel that rush of energy before the full moon, we also feel that anxiety that occurs the days before the lunar eclipse.

Technical aspects.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon on June 5, occurs in complete opposition to a retrograde Venus complex in Gemini, and squaring an interesting Mars in Pisces,

A Moon Eclipse occurs during the Full Moon phase (when we are most aware of the needs of others), just when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. Eclipses were historically feared as messengers of bad omens, but today, thanks to the study of modern astrology, these moments of light and shadow are celebrated and expected, each eclipse opens our minds to lead us to understand, where we are and for what reason we are still there.

The functionality of this eclipse

This eclipse leads us to embrace a period of preparation, we are beginning to align ourselves with our purpose of incarnation, with this eclipse we will work on those related energies, energies that are related to everything that we wish to concretize and manifest, on the material plane during the next two to three years.

Eclipses have an astrological mission to start or end or a process.

The full moon is a moment that opens our awareness of the external and helps us to be more empathetic, in order to understand the emotions of those around us, now we must avoid last-minute solutions and always consider the consequences that our words, decisions, and actions could have on others and on our own lives.

These recent months have led us to question our beliefs, to seek reinvention. This eclipse begins the period of applying what we know by creating new ideas and connections.

This lunar eclipse in Sagittarius guides us in the possibility of discovering ourselves, of finding ourselves, of embracing ourselves, and of doing deep cleaning in our subconscious and our soul.

Key moments of an eclipse, the feeling.

The days that surround the eclipse cause us great anxiety and doubt, it is a good time to put into practice all that deep knowledge that allows us to manage in our environment, manifesting our light in the environment, thus eclipsing the anxiety of others.

After a month you will still feel anxious because you will continue to download all that emotional information that comes with the eclipse. Take into account that the moon (your clarity and your emotionality), is seeking to reconnect with the sun (consciousness, the here and now), and both are facing a Venus (your capacity to give, love and feel loved) ) that is retrograde in Gemini (the communicator).

All of the above leads many to live that strange sensation (strange at the moment) of not wanting to complicate life, turning anxiety and excess time into leisure and new forms of entertainment. Be very careful with that feeling of «I don’t know what I want in life», it is a very common feeling under these conditions.

Working on ourselves during the eclipse.

This is a good time to stop preaching things you don’t believe in, and to re-analyze your deepest beliefs from scratch, analyze them and understand which of these emotions are serving your purpose of incarnation or which beliefs are already out of date for you. and while you are living.

The lunar eclipse is an energetic moment that leads us to discover the power we have to let go and let go of everything that is blocking our energy. What you must understand here is something very simple, the eclipse gives you this extra dose of energy, but it is up to you to know how to use this, otherwise, you will only feel that you have enormous energy and extra time on your hands, without knowing to make use of them.

Lunar eclipses open a manifestation period of six months, with this eclipse everything that you have been working on during these days (before and after the eclipse) will begin to manifest.

Take this eclipse in your hands

I hope you make use of this eclipse to put your days in writing, to return to your center, and start from there, to start from scratch, but now from experience.

Make use of this eclipse to understand and embrace «where you are» and «when you are», where you are focused in your life, and how it influences your future and what you want to manifest in the coming years.

It is a moment of transformation

The lunar eclipses are an interesting moment, on the one hand, it is a full moon (emancipation, clarity, celebration, culmination), and on the other hand, it is energy struggling to eclipse another energy, that is why in wizardry eclipses are celebrated as powerful moments of transformation.

The energy of a lunar eclipse seeks to materialize and give a certain solidity to everything that is still in process, but it is also a moment where the moon nourishes us with enough energy to carry out all kinds of changes and transformations, from the interior to the Exterior.

It is no coincidence that myth has associated the full moon with the power of witches to turn men into wolves, and vice versa.

Make use of the energy of this eclipse to connect with your inner self, to seek your personal evolution, to transform and change those parts of you that you know need to change.

Rituals with the lunar eclipse

This is the time to go from the most basic (lighting candles and burning incense), to the deepest (studying transformations and astral travel), the magic of the full moon is powerful, and even more so with the eclipse.

I recommend lighting white and silver candles on your altar, or in a clean and energetic space in the house, anoint the candles with a few drops of your favorite essential oil to manifest that energy you are looking for.

Burn incense and aromatic dried herbs to cleanse the energy of the place and raise your vibration frequency, use the smoke of this incense dedicated to the full moon, to energize amulets and talismans of power.

Drawing moons in their different phases and on different surfaces is a way to connect with the moon energy during this day, either with an artistic sense or with a specific intention, it is a simple way to connect with this energy that influences us in so many ways. ways.

Hecate, the changing goddess.

Hecate is the goddess of magic and sorcery, the queen of witches and crossroads, is one of the most changing and chameleonic deities of myth, from its origin (one of the most discussed by various authors and anthropologists), to its attributes, more and more numerous with each epoch.

Hecate has fulfilled various divine roles in various periods of history and has always maintained her role as one of the darkest goddesses but at the same time the most mysterious.

I recommend you make use of this full moon to honor that divine connection that you possess with your inner sorcerer, with that magic that navigates through your veins, and once you do, you will hear the call of the goddess Hecate knocking on your door.

Red and black candles (or honey candles), offerings of roses and wine, incense of lavender, and any flower that you can consider exotic (orchids or chrysanthemums), a bowl with colored stones, quartz, crystals, and minerals.

All of the above are elements that you can place in a sacred space in your home (your altar), in order to channel Hecate during a meditation or in the performance of a spell to stimulate your own greatness, your personal growth, and your own transformation.

Nana Buruku / Yemaya

The Orisha (goddess of Africa) who rules the waters of the sea, fortune, and commerce, is associated in several of her incarnations with the moon and its light. If you are not initiated in the Lucumi or Yoruba tradition, but if you want to get the favor of Nana Buruku, goddess of the moon and healing energy, wait until the days after the full moon and place a bouquet of white chrysanthemums next to a glass of water or white wine, in a space near the entrance door, so that you receive the visit of this sacred energy and feel welcome in your home at all times.

It is a magical time to recharge all your talismans and amulets, get in touch with the nature around you (gardens, parks, pets, companions at home), and raise all kinds of rituals and protection talismans at home.

It is a good time to bless rocks collected on the beach or in a nearby river, wash each of these with rosemary and lavender essential oil, and place them in different corners of the house to bring protection against curses and the evil eye.

Your interior is changing, and it is asking you to start manifesting your new reality.
with true love and light, Elo.

Magic February : Full Moon in leo + Eclipse & Comet

Magic February
Full Moon in leo + Eclipse & Comet

Greetings to all my witches and sorcerers who follow me, we are starting the Second Month of 2017 and is a month charged with very good vibes, and why shouldn’t it? We are facing a month full of powerful moons, comets and a pair of eclipses that come to charge of energy the atmosphere and all of us.
First let’s briefly review some history to enter properly into this magical process and be able to understand it. During the «Age of Myths» in Old Europe, more specifically in Ancient Rome, the «Februas», a series of purification festivals based on cleanliness to celebrate the arrival of spring and fluvial time, were organized and celebrated annually. The feasts were so called because of the ancient Etruscan where the word for «February» was used to refer to «water to clean».
The ancient Romans assigned a different deity to each month, and assigned to this month a properly Etruscan God who received the name of Februus, a male deity of the dead and purification. This divinity came to be worshiped decades later by the Etruscans who lived on the outskirts of Rome in the form of «Febris», the Goddess of fever and malaria , who not only produced it but also prevented and healed it, her worship was such that three great temples were built in her name.
These feasts (the Februas) became part of the «Lupercales,» a series of continuous ceremonial feasts dedicated to the Faun God and the She-wolf who, in the old myth, nursed Romulus and Remus, the sons of the God of War and founders of Rome. These feasts were celebrated with a purpose of fecundity and purification of the city, where men and women found parners and procreated after a ritual officiated by a local priest who immolated a young goat in honor to the pagan Gods, in order to attract strong and healthy offspring. It is no coincidence that Valentine’s Day is celebrated every February 14, because the Lupercales and Februas were celebrated on the 15th day of the same month, which later became known as «Februarius «, Thus giving passage after the month of» February «.
This Month is especially dedicated to love, fecundity and purification, it is also the first month after the beginning of all annual cycles, we have left behind the celebration of the New Year, Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year, and we have recently received the first new moon of this year, this is definitely the perfect month to start new projects and undertake new paths, start courses and academic careers.
A Month Full of Good Vibes

February (or Februarius) is a magnificently charged month, we recently received the lunar new year and we are waiting for two magical eclipses, the penumbral eclipse of the moon and the annular eclipse of Sun, Oh and let’s not forget that tiny detail that does not surprise us, the comet 45P/Honda will be located in the constellation of Hercules and will be visible to the naked eye, so it is my witches and wizards, experts and novices alike, we have a giant comet, an astrological and Magical event of those that come charged with a lot of vibes to channel. It is time to anoint ourcandles with our best oils, cleanse the house (a little local Feng Shui is never too much), clean the mirrors with Artemis and prepare out Best amulets, as a magical night is around the corner and if you have desires on the way, this is the time to ask for them.
The comet in question, the 45P/Honda, which for lack of a less epic name we will call «Magic February» (or at least I will), is on the way, will pass the point closest to Earth on February 11, ehen it may be visible with special binoculars and even presumed we will be able to spot it with the naked eye, as long as we are far from excessive light pollution and properly positioned in the constellation of Hercules, the protective warrior of humanity. Our Magic February will appear far away during the most convenient night of the month, as it falls just one night after the full moon in Leo. There will be no better time this weekend (February 10 and 11) to carry out those spells, potions, rituals and amulets that increase our character, our physical energy and our power over others.
Lunar Eclipse in Leo

The moon in Leo is a characteristically competitive and successful moon, perfect for those who seek to grow in the business world, especially for those who are linked to the world of art and entertainment. This is the perfect lunation to help raise funds and support all kinds of social and charitable works. Although the moon in Leo is also known to increase tendencies to drama, arrogance and vanity, it is also the moon that influences the generosity, warmth and creativity of people. This moon promises us a good dose of business creativity that will remain for several days.
The full moon usually gives us its strength, charisma and good vibes to follow, vibrations that usually go away in the later days due to the waning moon, but the full moon in oil is usually one of the most powerful, without leaving In oblivion a very important type, it is a penumbral eclipse, a perfect omen for all those who start business projects this year, a phase that augurs good news and contacts that arrive at the door in a very good faith, it is time to put to rest the vices that rob us of time and dedicate 100% to the wonderful task of creating, organizing and undertaking. The world belongs to dreamers and if you are one, welcome to one of the lunar phases that will leave you with a sweet taste in your mouth, but only as long as you have your documentation in order and you are willing to reveal yourself for your life projects.
The February full moon it is also known as the Wild Moon, Snow Moon, Corn Moon or hunger moon.
Moonstone: Amethyst.
Moon Flower: Iris.
Color: Violet, purple and white.
Animal: The otter and bear.
To bless stones: amethyst, pyrite, opal and tiger eye
Incense: Vanilla, coconut and rye.
A little Ritual for February
During any first day of February perform a magic circle of sea salt or coarse salt and proceeded to light a stick of incense of sage, a blue candle (attract success) and a purple candle (transmutation) on your magic circle.
Next, burn in the candle fire twelve (12) dried bay leaves. Proceed to mix in a bowl or cauldron the remains thereof with a bunch of sage spray or dry iris, a piece of amethyst and a few drops of essential oil of hyssop, carnation or bay.
Mix with both hands for several minutes, recite the following incantation two (2) times and collected the amethyst from the mix, save it in a corner of the house and burn the rest of the mixture, using the ashes to clean the halls of the house.
“Oh, Great avatars and spirits of progress and destiny, grant me joy and countless reasons to be happy, make me see them as nymphs dancing in the forest and make a prosperous and peaceful life possible.”
Soon I will be revealing more information in this same way. Meanwhile, if you want to receive a couple of rituals suitable for such a magical lunation, do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter with your email account and receive the rituals at the most appropriate time, if you also want Information about personalized rituals, I invite you to follow me in my social networks where I will always be willing to advise you.
Blessings & Happy Moon.