New Moon and Chiron in Aries +Rituals

New Moon & Chiron in Aries

Greetings and hugs full of magic and light to all my readers, you who are my real engine of work day after day.
This coming April 17, 2017, we have to be more than calm and attentive to heaven, because a series of auguries come together to announce a change of landscape and a new perspective.
First, we have the monthly restart that comes with the moon, this time in the Sign of Aries. The new moon is always the best period to sit and reflect and ponder on different projects and processes, this time suitable for our spiritual awakening is governed by the sign of courage and courage, the Sign of Aries will be the driving force of all these new processes that are about to start, if you wish to undertake any new study or project, take into account that Mercury Retrograde is also over in the coming days, so you better have everything at hand for the energy boost that is to come.
If you want to start a strict diet to lose weight, you can be sure that this is the best time for it, so prepare and buy everything you need beforehand, as we are facing a restart time that comes loaded with a good energy vibration to take us to consolidate every new project.
On the other hand, we have the same day the position of Chiron entering the sign of Aries. Chiron is a planetoid located between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, and its name was inspired by the Centaur of Greek mythology, the forger of heroes. Chiron has as a symbol a key that opens the sky, this key represents its ability to open all kinds of doors, paths and opportunities, especially those linked to learning and the study of new sciences and arts.
The position of Chiron, which acts as a bridge between the inner and outer planets of the solar system, now entering the harsh lands of Aries, will make us move out of the comfort zone to look for new opportunities and eventually find them, where we least expect them , is also an indication of involuntary changes that come for good, for our own well-being and to calm down a little the disturbances that have been caused by the fulminating Mercury Retrograde in Aries.
Chiron as a teacher has always urged us to embrace and accept life as it is, those changes of perspective that bother us and the wounds that have not healed, due to its association with the Mythological Centaur who, even being an excellent healer, could never cure their own ills, however, their position in Aries makes us fight head-on against the injustices of life and forces us to defend ourselves with our own experience and learning.

Ritual for the New Moon / April

The new moon is a time of reflection and restart, it is the right time for those spells and rituals that allow us to cleanse the energy and go deep into some new project.
The new moon of April is in the Sign of Aries, this moon of fire has the power to knock down all kinds of obstacles on the way, never forget that these obstacles are usually potential learning opportunities, but also many times they are simply obstacles that they remain there to hinder our processes, sometimes they can also be part of our own karma, or simply a deja vu of past lives that have refused to disappear.
To eliminate these obstacles it is prudent to start with a general energetic cleaning at home, with a sage smudge or with a powerful blend of sage, myrrh and garlic skin, in case you can not get the right ingredients, you can always place several incense cones of sage or myrrh in each of the corners of each room and room of the home.
Once you light the incense, place two glasses of cold water on the floor next to the door and leave them there for several hours, in the Yoruba culture it is a strong belief that this simple ritual with water on either side of the door energizes the spirit of the home and allows you to self-clean energy, and it is a good idea to repeat this little ritual every Monday night, the night dedicated to our ancestors.
Once the home has been purified, you can carry out a calm meditation for a few minutes to focus and refocus your energies on your purposes, this will help to unblock you from mental, and most emotional, obstacles.
Now, it’s time to do real magic, anoint a white candle and a black candle with a few drops of myrrh and verbena oil, write with the help of a needle or pin, two different energetic purposes in each candle, in the white candle you will write the name (or data) of that new project you are about to start, whether it is a diet, a new course or study, or a new job, so that your energy will duly illuminate and activate the energy of this project, meanwhile, in the dark candle, black, violet or brown, you write in detail the obstacles that you perceive in your path, so that your own energy weakens them, consumes and knocks down, and in this way, the new moon that is about to be born, will shine on you and will bless your new projects and processes.
A good way to complement this ritual is with a previous bath with a mixture of milk (to symbolize the food that Mother Earth gives us), a spoonful of almond oil, rose oil and lavender oil, with a pinch of sugar brunette and two spoons of honey. This bath, which is part of the recipe book of my book «Rites of Happiness» has a good energetic vibration and will recharge your energies in a good way after a long night rest, make use of this bathroom to connect again with mother earth and you can prepare it in addition For the people who live with you, let the bath rest a few hours before using it and then rinse with plenty of clean water.

Spiritual Tip

The new moon nights have a peculiar effect on the veil that separates our world from the spiritual world, allowing the souls of the deceased to manifest more easily in our environment, so it is a good idea to light a light and burn some myrrh, sage or copal next to the door to honor them and offer them calm tonight when they are closer to us.

Magic Tip (Cleaning Mirrors)

A ritual in which I always put a lot of emphasis on my various books and blogs is to keep the mirrors clean so that they can positively manifest the different auguries that are present to us along the way.
The most appropriate magical form (in my experience) is with a special preparation of Artemisia, consisting of boiling in water two bundles of mugwort with a little sage, and if possible sun-dried root of St. John’s Wort ( not obligatory), let this infusion rest for a few hours and finally use it to clean the mirrors, crystal balls and divination talismans that we have at home.
